Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

Southern Arizona's Favorite in Safety & Compliance Systems

Creating Workplaces Where We All Watch Out for Each Other

McCraren Compliance Offers: Training, Classes, Certificates & Certifications, CEUs, Consulting, Audits & Customized Safety Teams
Years of experience
Work Places Made Safer
Safety Leaders Created
Training Classes Led

Associations & Organizations

Safety Training Services Specializing in MSHA, OSHA & DOT


McCraren Compliances offers Safety Training and Consulting services specializing in MSHA, OSHA and DOT.  We believe safety is really all about people and therefore our purpose is to Create communities where we all watch out for each other.  We have a team of safety professionals who are versatile and credentialed bringing a balance of passion and practicality to safety.  We can support all aspects of a comprehensive safety program from manuals, planning and training to audits, investigations and staffing.  Basically we can manage your entire program or just fill in the gaps.

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FMCSA Celebrates National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW) is September 15-21, 2024 – a week dedicated to celebrating the more than 3.5 million professional truck drivers who make sacrifices every day to ensure goods and resources travel safely to their destination. From food, clothes, medicine, and more, these items are all made

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DOL renews charter for OSHA advisory committee

Photo: NACOSH Washington — Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su has renewed the two-year charter for OSHA’s National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health. According to a notice published Sept. 12, the charter now runs through Sept. 4, 2026. The 12-member committee advises, consults with and makes recommendations to the secretaries of labor

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Nanomaterials in construction: CPWR offers tips on exposure control

Photo: CPWR Silver Spring, MD — Protecting workers who handle products containing nanomaterials begins by controlling exposures “like other potential hazards,” CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training says in a new fact sheet. Nanomaterials feature at least one dimension (height, width or length) that’s smaller than 100 nanometers,

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McCraren Compliance Today for Safety Training and Consulting Services

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