Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

MSHA Training and Consulting - Mine Safety and Health

Everything we depend on is either made from minerals or relies on minerals for its production. As an industry, we take pride in both what we do and how we do it. Standards for Safety are high, and comprehensive programs are essential to the success of every operation, project, employee, and contractor.

Our team has decades of experience working in the mining industry. We do a lot more than just MSHA training. We have worked directly for some of the largest multinational companies, held positions with mining safety regulators, been contracted to start and restart large-scale mining operations, provided safety leadership to civil contractors, and have been the safety lifeline for small local sub-contractors and mining industry suppliers.

Like other Safety consulting companies, we have the expertise to provide safety training across a wide range of topics and develop, implement, evaluate, and improve complete safety programs.
What makes us different are the underlying values and people-focused approach, which we believe is key to reaching ZERO (fatalities and serious incidents). The programs, policies, and practices implemented throughout the mining industry over the last 25 years have resulted in significant improvements in Safety. The mining industry has adopted some of the highest standards for Safety and is embracing the concept of culturizing safe work practices. However, safety outcomes have become stagnant, and we are still too far away from reaching ZERO. Your annual MSHA training is just the start.

McCraren Compliance sees the solution in our people. We are developing each person into a safety leader by recognizing and valuing them as humans and teaching them to do the same with their co-workers. We are creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other.


  • On-Site Safety
  • Safety Audits
  • Technical Writing
  • Safety Management Systems


  • Part 48/46
    • New Miner
    • Annual Refresher
    • Experienced Miner
    • Surface and Underground
  • Hazard Specific Awareness and Competent Person
    • Fall Protection
    • Confined Space
    • Scaffold
    • CPR, 1st Aid, AED
  • Custom Training
  • Workplace Examinations
  • CDL Prep

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Introduction to the Work Environment?

Introduction to the Work Environment is a training requirement set by the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) as part of Part 48 Surface New Miner Training and Part 48 Experienced Miner

What is needed to meet the requirement?

A tour of the entire mine site or area representative of the entire mine site.

Is this a new requirement?

No, this requirement has been a part of the regulations for many years. However, since about 2006, MSHA has allowed this requirement to be satisfied off-site through representative photos, videos etc FOR CONTRACTORS ONLY. In the 4th quarter of 2022, MSHA reversed this long-standing practice with no public notice, coordinated communication, or transition period.

How was this change communicated to stakeholders?

Because this was an existing requirement, there was no formal communication from MSHA. We first became aware of this change when we heard about contractors being denied access to mine sites, other contractors being removed from mine sites by MSHA and training plans being temporarily revoked.

As a contractor what do I need to do?

McCraren Compliance will now offer a mine site tour multiple times each month. To simplify scheduling at least one tour will be held the same week as our New Miner training.

When you sign up for Surface New Miner, you will have the option to register with or without a tour. There will be a small additional fee when you register for training with a tour. You can also arrange for a mine site tour by the mine operator. Keep in mind the tour must be conducted by an MSHA-approved trainer (Blue Card Holder) who will need to provide you with a 5000-23 (MSHA training certificate) stating you completed the Introduction to the Work Environment and sign off on your New Miner training as complete.

If you obtain your mine site tour from someone other than McCraren Compliance, we will issue you a 5000-23 stating you have completed 24 hours of New Miner Safety training but will be unable to mark the training as complete as the Introduction to the Work Environment requirement will need to be satisfied.

Contact McCraren Compliance Today for Safety Training and Consulting Services

Phone: 888-758-4757

Address: 3980 E Columbia Tucson, Az 85714

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