Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

‘Reattaching’ to work before clocking in may improve engagement, health: study

Visualizing and planning for your workday may lead to better engagement and well-being, results of a recent study indicate.

Researchers from the United States and Germany surveyed 151 workers from a wide range of industries at the beginning and end of each shift over a five-day workweek. In the morning, participants were asked about experiences that helped them reconnect to work before starting the workday. In the afternoon, they answered questions about engagement and job control.

Reattachment includes thinking about tasks that need to be completed, any obstacles that might arise, and the resources or support that are needed. The researchers found that participants who reattached before the start of their shift were more engaged employees.

The researchers recommend that employers explore ways to help workers transition smoothly into their workday.

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