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OSHA Proposes Delay

Electronic Injury and Illness Reporting

OSHA says they need more time to review the electronic reporting law for questions on law and policy. The proposed delay would mean employers would now electronically report their 2016 injury and illness data by December 1st 2017 (previous scheduled for July 1st, 2017).

OSHA invites the public to comment on the proposed deadline extension electronically at WWW.REGULATIONS.GOV

The new rule (proposed for delay) requires certain employers (250+ Employees or 20+ Employees for certain high risk industries) to electronically submit injury and illness data that they are already required to record on their onsite OSHA Injury and Illness forms. OSHA will provide a secure website that offers multiple options for data submission (manual entry, file upload, electronic data transmission).

The new rule was scheduled to be phased in over 2 years.

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