MINE FATALITY – On June 1, 2020, a contract truck driver died after falling from the top of his trailer. The victim received first aid/CPR at the scene and passed away after being transported to a local hospital.

Best Practices:
- Discuss work procedures; identify all potential hazards to do the job safely.
- Train everyone to recognize fall hazards and ensure that safe work procedures are discussed and established.
- Include safe truck tarping requirements in site-specific hazard training.
- Provide truck tarping safe access facilities where needed.
- Provide an effective fall arrest secure anchorage system. Ensure that people wear and attach fall protection connecting devices where there is a danger of falling.
- Use automatic tarp deploying systems to prevent people from working from heights.
Additional Information:
This is the 8th fatality reported in 2020, and the third classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”