Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

MSHA – Mine Fatality #7

MINE FATALITY – On February 22, 2025, a contractor died when the bridge providing access into the kiln shifted, causing the skid steer loader he was operating to fall backwards into the clinker chute. 

Accident scene where  a contractor died when the bridge providing access into the kiln shifted, causing the skid steer loader he was operating to fall backwards into the clinker chute.

Photo property of MSHA

Best Practices

  • Provide safe access to all working areas.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions for bridges and ramps.
  • Routinely examine metal structures for indications of structural weakness (corrosion, fatigue cracks, bent/buckling beams, braces or columns, loose/missing connectors, broken welds, etc.).
  • Train miners on their assigned tasks, including how to identify, report, and correct hazards.
  • Examine work areas at the beginning and throughout the day for changing conditions that may affect safety.

Additional Information

This is the seventh fatality reported in 2025, and the third classified as “Powered Haulage.”

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

Original article published by MSHA

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