MINE FATALITY – On January 30, 2025, a miner died when he became entangled in a log washer. The victim was starting the log washer when he lost his balance and fell into the log washer.

Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices
- Ensure equipment and safety devices are maintained in safe working condition.
- Ensure miners are clear and free from hazards when starting equipment and performing tasks.
- Always use fall protection equipment, safety belts and lines or personnel lifts when working at heights and near openings where there is a danger of falling.
- Lock Out and Tag Out machinery against hazardous motion.
- Maintain equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s means to care for and service equipment.
- Train miners in the recognition of hazards and safe work procedures.
Additional Information
This is the fourth fatality reported in 2025, and the first classified as “Machinery.”
McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.
Original article published by MSHA