MINE FATALITY – On November 17, 2023, a miner died when the leg of a rock saw stand that he was assisting to unload, shifted and struck him.

Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices
- Review safe procedures with all miners involved prior to conducting a non-routine task.
- Use proper rigging and lifting procedures when moving machine parts.
- Load and unload materials on smooth, level surfaces to ensure the material does not shift or fall over.
- Ensure miners are positioned in a safe location and away from potential hazards when moving or positioning equipment.
Additional Information
This is the 38th fatality reported in 2023, and the first classified as “Handling Material.”
McCraren Compliance offers a full range of safety and health training and consulting services. Plus we can help you incorporate well-being into your traditional systems in order to support the Total Worker Health of your workforce.
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Original article published by MSHA