Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices
- Examine work areas to identify loose ground or unstable conditions before work begins and as conditions change. Report hazards and do not work in unsafe conditions.
- Correct unsafe conditions or barricade areas to prevent access before beginning work.
- Consider mining methods that do not require miners to work or travel near the base of a highwall.
Additional Information
This is the 26th fatality reported in 2023, and the second classified as “Falling, Rolling, or Sliding Rock or Material of Any Kind.”
McCraren Compliance offers a full range of safety and health training and consulting services. Plus we can help you incorporate well-being into your traditional systems in order to support the Total Worker Health of your workforce.
Call 888-758-4757, email info@mccrarencompliance.com or visit our website www.mccrarencompliance.com
Original article published by MSHA