MINE FATALITY – On June 8, 2023, a miner died after climbing over the handrail onto a conveyor belt to gain access to a magnet belt that needed adjustment. When the miner stepped onto the magnet belt, the belt started, throwing the miner 16 feet to the ground below.

Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices
- De-energize, lock-out, tag-out, and block machinery against motion before performing repairs or maintenance on a belt conveyor.
- Install a system which provides visible or audible warning to warn miners that the conveyor will be started.
- Provide and maintain safe access to all workplaces and establish safe work procedures.
- Use fall protection when a fall hazard exists. Ensure fall protection has a suitable fall arrest and secure anchorage system, and that miners are properly trained.
Additional Information
This is the 22nd fatality reported in 2023, and the second classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”
McCraren Compliance offers a full range of safety and health training and consulting services. Plus we can help you incorporate well-being into your traditional systems in order to support the Total Worker Health of your workforce.
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Original article published by MSHA