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MSHA hosts annual conference for nation’s mine safety, health trainers at National Mine Health and Safety Academy, Nov. 12-15

Training Resources Applied to Mining conference will train the trainers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that its Mine Safety and Health Administration is holding its annual Training Resources Applied to Mining conference in Beaver, West Virginia, from Nov. 12 to 15. 

The event will bring some of the industry’s leading mine safety and health trainers together to discuss best practices and new approaches for protecting miners at metal, nonmetal and coal mines across the nation.

“MSHA is proud to again host the Training Resources Applied to Mining Conference, a tuition-free conference featuring presentations from some of the industry’s most respected safety and health trainers. The conference helps health and safety trainers improve their training skills and infuse their training programs with new ideas and materials. This includes topics critical to miner health and safety, such as opioid use disorder and educating miners about their rights and responsibilities under the Mine Act. TRAM remains a valuable opportunity to work together to ensure that miners return home safe and healthy at the end of their shifts to their families and communities,” said Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Chris Williamson. 

Held at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy, the conference will include presentations by leading industry trainers and in-person and online workshops on topics ranging from how to better educate miners to designing new techniques in safety and health training. In addition, the conference will feature exhibits and demonstrations by MSHA, state grant recipients and other industry stakeholders.

The conference will also include the results of MSHA annual competition of mining-related training materials.

Conference attendance is free, but registration is required.

Learn more about the 2024 TRAM Conference.

The National Mine Health and Safety Academy is the world’s largest educational institution devoted solely to safety and health in mining. The academy serves as the central training facility for federal mine inspectors, mine safety professionals from other government agencies, the mining industry and labor.

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

Original article published by MSHA

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