Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

MSHA – Mine Fatality #20

First published by MSHA

MINE FATALITY – On July 26, 2021, a contract employee, who was not wearing fall protection, was performing maintenance on a cement cooler when a wooden board broke, causing him to fall 23 feet onto a concrete floor.

accident scene where a contract employee, who was not wearing fall protection, was performing maintenance on a cement cooler when a wooden board broke, causing him to fall 23 feet onto a concrete floor.
Photo property of
Best Practices:
  • Assure a safe means of access is provided and maintained to all working places.  Use personnel lifts or ladders to access elevated work areas safely.
  • Use fall protection when a fall hazard exists.  Ensure fall protection has a suitable fall arrest and secure anchorage system.
  • Examine work areas, tools, and equipment. Report and correct defects. Do not use unsafe equipment.
  • Assess risks and eliminate or control hazards before beginning maintenance activities. Do not place yourself in a position that will expose you to hazards while performing a task.
  • Train miners and ensure they perform work safely, use tools properly, and utilize personal protective equipment correctly.
Additional Information:

This is the 20th fatality reported in 2021, and the second classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

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