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Inspectors Remove More Than 750 Commercial Motor Vehicles with Brake Violations from Roadways During CVSA’s Unannounced Brake Safety Day

CVSA’s Brake Safety Day is also an opportunity to obtain additional data related to the health and wellness of brake systems on commercial motor vehicles. This year, CVSA focused on capturing data on brake lining/pad violations. Brake lining/pad conditions can result in violations and affect a motor carrier’s safety rating.

Of the 6,829 commercial motor vehicles inspected, 108 power unit and 87 towed unit lining/pad violations were identified, for a total of 195 combined lining/pad violations.

Table 1 – Lining/Pad Violations

Description Power Unit Towed Unit Total %
Contaminated 60 11 36.4%
Cracks/Voids 16 23 20.0%
Loose/Missing 9 10 9.7%
Worn 23 43 33.8%
Total Violations 108 87

In addition, eight of the CVSA member jurisdictions with performance-based brake testers (PBBTs) used those machines on Brake Safety Day to assess the braking performance of commercial motor vehicles. Those participating jurisdictions conducted 92 inspections with PBBTs. There were four failures (4.35%), which meant those four commercial motor vehicles were placed out of servi

ce for overall vehicle braking efficiency.

Operation Airbrake is a CVSA program dedicated to improving commercial motor vehicle brake safety throughout North America in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, and Mexico’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation.

CVSA’s Operation Airbrake Program holds two annual brake safety campaigns each year – this initiative, which is the one-day unannounced brake safety inspection and enforcement initiative, and Brake Safety Week, which is scheduled for Aug. 20-26.

During the announced and unannounced brake safety enforcement campaigns, commercial motor vehicle inspectors conduct commercial motor vehicle inspections (primarily Level I and V Inspections) on large trucks and buses throughout North America to identify brake-system violations.

Because vehicle-related violations are the top vehicle-related out-of-service violation, the goal of this program is to reduce the number of highway crashes caused by faulty braking systems on commercial motor vehicles by conducting roadside inspections and educating drivers, mechanics, owner-operators and others on the importance of proper brake inspection, maintenance and operation.

View the results from previous brake safety campaigns.

McCraren Compliance can help you understand and comply with FMCSA, USDOT and ADOT and ensure your drivers and your vehicles operate safely and efficiently.

Call us Today at 888-758-4757 or email us at to schedule your free FMCSA Compliance Assessment.


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