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EPA requests feedback on draft scope documents for 20 ‘high priority’ chemical risk evaluations


Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency is seeking public comment on draft scope documents for 20 additional chemicals the agency has designated as high-priority substances for risk evaluation under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, according to respective notices published in the April 9 and April 23 Federal Register.

As required under the Lautenberg Act, which amended the Toxic Substances Control Act, EPA was to release a scope document for each chemical by June, detailing hazards, exposures, conditions of use, and potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations.

Comments are due May 26 for the 13 chemicals outlined in the April 9 Federal Register, and June 8 for the seven other chemicals.

Finalized in a list published in the Dec. 30 Federal Register, the chemicals include:

  • Seven chlorinated solvents
  • Six phthalates, or hormone-disrupting substances, linked to several health-related issues
  • Four flame retardants
  • Formaldehyde
  • One fragrance additive
  • One polymer precursor

EPA previously considered comments on 40 chemicals to prioritize for risk evaluation. Publication of the list in March 2019 triggered a statutory requirement for EPA to designate at least 20 chemicals, each as high and low priority, by Dec. 22.

The 20 chemicals are separate from the first 10 chemicals under current agency evaluation for potential health and environmental risks under the Lautenberg Act.

EPA notes that chemicals identified as high priority must undergo a three-year evaluation for potential health and environmental risks but adds that the designation “is not a finding of unreasonable risk.”

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