Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

Electronic submission of injury and illness records to OSHA

Available August 1st




The Injury Tracking Application (ITA), will be accessible from the ITA webpage on August 1, 2017, where employers will be able to electronically submit required injury and illness data from their completed 2016 OSHA form 300A. The deadline for submitting the 2016 data is December 1, 2017.

The data submission process involves four steps:
(1) Creating an establishment;
(2) Adding 300A summary data;
(3) Submitting data to OSHA; and
(4) Reviewing the confirmation email.

The secure website offers three options for data submission manual entry, file upload and electronic data transmission.

The new rule (proposed for delay) requires certain employers (250+ Employees or 20+ Employees for certain high risk industries) to electronically submit injury and illness data that they are already required to record on their onsite OSHA Injury and Illness forms.

The ITA webpage also includes information on reporting requirements, a list of frequently asked questions and a link to request assistance with completing the form.

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