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ELD Mandate Goes into Effect; Inspectors Begin Documenting ELD Violations

Greenbelt, Maryland (Dec. 18, 2017) – Starting today, Dec. 18, 2017, in accordance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) congressionally mandated electronic logging device (ELD) compliance deadline, inspectors and roadside enforcement personnel throughout the United States will begin documenting ELD violations on roadside inspection reports and, at the jurisdiction’s discretion, may issue citations to commercial motor vehicle drivers operating vehicles without a compliant ELD.

“Today, jurisdictions around the country are implementing the ELD requirement,” said CVSA Executive Director Collin Mooney. “Enforcement personnel have been trained in anticipation of the ELD rule and now that it is in effect, inspectors will be verifying hours-of-service compliance by reviewing records of duty status requirements electronically.

On April 1, 2018, inspectors will start placing commercial motor vehicle drivers out of service if their vehicle is not equipped with the required ELD.

The ELD mandate does not change any of the underlying hours-of-service requirements.

Please note that a motor carrier may continue to use a grandfathered automatic onboard recording device (AOBRD) until Dec. 16, 2019. The AOBRD must meet the requirements of 49 CFR 395.15.

For more information on the ELD rule, visit FMCSA’s ELD implementation website.

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