J.H. Fletcher & Co. Information Bulletin No. 139:
Diesel Exhaust and Other Respiratory Hazards

Best Practices
- J.H. Fletcher & Co. recently released an information bulletin reminding owners, employers, contractors, lessees, supervisors, maintenance personnel, operators, and bystanders of respiratory hazards caused by particulate matter (ex. diesel exhaust, silica, coal dust, etc.) which may exist in the environment in which their machines are being operated.
- J.H. Fletcher & Co. is warning all operators and bystanders of potential respirable hazards by installing safety tags on all their machines. For equipment that is currently in operation, J.H. Fletcher & Co. is offering their customers these safety tags for free. To receive free tags for installation on their equipment, follow the instructions in the Information Bulletin No. 139
- In addition to providing sticker tags, J.H. Fletcher & Co. is providing Attachment 2: “OPERATOR’S MANUAL: ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS.” Attachment 2 is a new section that will appear in future Operator’s Manuals. For existing equipment in operation, J.H. Fletcher & Co. is requesting that their customers print Attachment 2 and insert this information into the Operator’s Manuals for these machines. If your machine does not have a diesel engine, the “Diesel Exhaust Fumes” section does not need to be inserted in the manual.
- MSHA and J.H. Fletcher & Co. want to remind operators that the installation, use, and maintenance of engineering controls to reduce exposure to hazards is the first line of defense to best protect miners.
McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.
Original article published by MSHA