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CVSA’s 2024 Out-of-Service Criteria Now in Effect

Starting today, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) 2024 North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria are now in effect. The 2024 out-of-service criteria replace and supersede all previous versions.

Certified commercial motor vehicle enforcement personnel utilize the out-of-service criteria to determine whether or not drivers or vehicles present an imminent hazard and should be placed out of service. The federal regulations, together with CVSA’s out-of-service criteria, provide the standards that drivers, motor carriers and law enforcement personnel use to ensure the commercial motor vehicles and professional drivers operating on North America’s roadways are safe and compliant.

Last year, the voting members of the Alliance approved 11 changes to the out-of-service criteria. In accordance with the CVSA Bylaws, the proposed changes were communicated to the voting members of the Alliance on Oct. 5, 2023, and ratified on Oct. 20, 2023. The out-of-service criteria are updated annually, effective April 1 of each year.

The following changes were made to the out-of-service criteria:

  1. A note was added to “Part I, Item 3. Commercial Driver’s License, c. Endorsements and Restrictions” to provide clarity on the status of a hazardous materials (HM) endorsement when the driver’s Transportation Security Administration screening/HM determination is expired, and the driver requires the HM endorsement.
  2. Ontario Class D license was removed from the note in “Part I, Item 4. Driver Medical/Physical Requirements, b. Medical Certificate.”
  3. “Part I, Item 7. Drugs and Other Substances, c. Prohibited from Performing Safety-Sensitive Functions” was amended to add the new 392.15 violation code and a note.
  4. The applicability table for commercial learner’s permit drivers was amended in “Part I, Item 7. Drugs and Other Substances, c. Prohibited from Performing Safety-Sensitive Functions.”
  5. Missing cam shaft bushings was added to the 20% criterion in “Part II, Item 1. Brake Systems, a. Defective Brakes, (5) Drum (Cam-Type and Wedge) Air Brakes, (a).”
  6. Watermarks were added to “Part II, Item 1. Brake Systems, a. Defective Brakes, 20% Criterion” and the end of 20% criterion to better identify the 20% out-of-service criterion and the 20% criterion relative to steering axle brakes.
  7. The word “shall” was changed to “may” in “Part II, Item 1. Brake Systems, q. Performance-Based Brake Test” to allow for inspector discretion in reference to the requirement of retesting the vehicle.
  8. “Part II, Item 3. Coupling Devices, c. Pintle Hooks, (1) and g. Hitch Systems (Excluding Fifth Wheels and Pintle Hooks), (1)” was amended to add latches that are not in use and ball hitches that are mismatched with the receiver.
  9. Language was added to the title of “Part II, Item 9. Lighting Devices (Headlamps, Tail Lamps, Stop Lamps, Turn Signals and Lamps/Flags On Projecting Loads), a. When Lights Are Required to Be On” to clarify that lights not being turned on does not constitute an out-of-service condition.
  10. A note was added to “Part II, Item 9. Lighting Devices (Headlamps, Tail Lamps, Stop Lamps, Turn Signals and Lamps/Flags on Projecting Loads).”
  11. By adding a new number (2) to “Part II, Item 12. Tires, b. Tires Other Than Those Found on the Front Steering Axle(s),” the rest of Item 12.b had to be renumbered.

These changes have been incorporated into North American Standard Inspection Program training materials, along with updated , inspection procedures, operational policies and training videos.

There are different formats (e.g., print, electronic, other languages, etc.) of the 2024 out-of-service criteria available for purchase through the . It’s also available for purchase in CVSA’s app by searching “CVSA Out-of-Service Criteria” in the  or  of the handbook and the app are available.

CVSA hosted a webinar in January outlining the changes to the out-of-service criteria. The webinar is available to CVSA members through their . Once logged in, click on the CVSA Learning tab, then click on “Roadside” to view the webinar.

For questions about the criteria, contact CVSA Director of Inspection Programs Kerri Wirachowsky via  or call 202-998-1650.

McCraren Compliance can help you understand and comply with FMCSA, USDOT and ADOT and ensure your drivers and your vehicles operate safely and efficiently.

Call us Today at 888-758-4757 or email us at to schedule your free FMCSA Compliance Assessment.

Original article published by CVSA

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