First published by CVSA

After a week of comprehensive training and intense competition at the North American Inspectors Championship (NAIC), the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is pleased to announce that Michael Trautwein with the Houston Police Department has earned the Jimmy K. Ammons Grand Champion Award, the highest honor for a commercial motor vehicle roadside inspector.
Trautwein was announced as this year’s Grand Champion and accepted his trophy on Aug. 19 at the joint awards ceremony of CVSA’s North American Inspectors Championship and the American Trucking Associations’ (ATA) National Truck Driving Championships and National Step Van Driving Championships. This year’s NAIC Grand Champion will also attend and speak at the awards luncheon on Sept. 21 at the CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition.
This is the second time in NAIC history that a local member has won Grand Champion; both wins have been from the Houston Police Department.
In addition to the NAIC Grand Champion Award, other notable awards were earned by this year’s competing inspectors.
The one inspector who scores the most points representing each of the three participating countries – Canada, Mexico and the U.S. – in the competition receives their country’s High Points Award. The following High Points Awards were presented:
- Sean McAlister High Points Canada Award – Caitlin Philbrick – British Columbia
- High Points Mexico Award – Luis Leon Merino Gomez
- High Points United States Award – Michael Trautwein – Houston Police Department (Local)
First, second and third place awards were given for the following inspection categories:
The North American Standard Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods and Cargo Tank/Bulk Packagings Inspection is an inspection of the requirements related to identifying hazardous materials/dangerous goods markings, labeling, placarding, packaging, identification, etc.
1. Tomasz Krolak – Minnesota
2. Michael Trautwein – Houston Police Department (Local)
3. Jeremy Feigley – Arizona