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Arizona Roadside Inspections and Out-of-Service Rates for 2016

At a recent Arizona Rock Products Association Safety and Transportation committee meeting, a representative from ADOT reported the following statistics from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Motor Carrier Management Information System. This snapshot represents data as of 1/27/2017:

CY 2016 (Arizona) CY 2016 (National)
Fed State Total Fed State Total
Driver Inspections* 9,999 62,332 72,331 30,405 2,907,083 2937488
with Driver OOSViolation 58 7,392 7,450 626 155,175 155,801
Driver OOS Rate 0.58% 11.86% 10.30% 2.06% 5.34% 5.30%
Vehicle Inspections** 6,433 42,102 48,535 24,984 2,036,047 2,061,031
with Vehicle OOS Violoation 1,169 7,679 8,848 3,891 413,921 417,812
Vehicle OOS Rate 18.17% 18.24% 18.23% 15.57% 20.33% 20.27%
*Driver inspections were computed based on the inspection levels I, II, II, AND VI
**Vehicle inpsection were computed based on inspection levels I, II, V, AND VI

Driver OOS violations issued by ADOT are significantly higher than those issued by the Feds within Arizona and Arizona’s total driver OOS violations are roughly twice the national average. Vehicle OOS violations issued by ADOT are at par with those issued by the Fed’s in Arizona and below the national average.

OOS rates were also reported for Mexico and Canada domiciled carriers:

CY 2016 (Arizona) CY 2016 (National)
Fed State Total Fed State Total
Driver OOS Rate – Mx 1.51% 3.12 1.77 1.04 0.66 0.78
Vehicle OOS Rate – Mx 29.01 17.88 28.08 21.93 17.39 18.92
Driver OOS Rate – Ca 0 7.33 7.25% 1.84% 3.23% 3.23
Vehicle OOS Rate – Ca 14.29 10.43 10.50 8.74 11.69 11.68%

Routine driver safety training programs and pre-trip and post-trip inspections are simple and effective ways to keep your drivers and vehicles, on the road, services customers and meeting deadlines.

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