McCraren Compliance

Twelve new OSHA alliances aim to increase workplace safety

WASHINGTON – A dozen companies and organizations from across the country are making the safety of their workers a priority by forming alliances with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in October and November to improve worker safety and health.

Forming an alliance with OSHA allows companies or organizations to focus on hazards to improve worker safety in a specific workplace or industry. During the past two months, alliances were formed and renewed that address:

“Our vision at OSHA is to see safety and health embraced as core values in every workplace in America,” said Doug Kalinowski, director of Cooperative and State Programs at OSHA. “These strategic alliances cover a wide range of industries and hazards. We look forward to working closely with them to establish specific goals and develop strategies to reach those goals.

OSHA’s Alliance Program helps the agency develop working relationships with organizations that are committed to workplace safety and health. These groups include trade and professional associations, labor unions, educational institutions, community and faith-based groups, and government agencies.

Alliance participants work with OSHA to provide workers and employers with information, guidance, and resources to promote safety and health in workplaces. Alliances also ensure that workers know their rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Learn more about how employers can keep workers safe through OSHA alliances.

McCraren Compliance offers a full range of safety and health training and consulting services. Plus we can help you incorporate well-being into your traditional systems in order to support the Total Worker Health of your workforce.

Call 888-758-4757, email or visit our website

Original article published by OSHA

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