McCraren Compliance

Truckers Launch Ad Campaign

First published by ATA

Distracted Driving Safety Ad Campaign Launched by the Arizona Trucking Association Foundation

Phoenix, AZ – As the ad states, “Distracted driving is deadly, period!” Yet every day the professional men and women of the trucking industry see the dangers of distracted driving on Arizona’s roads.

Distracted driving puts people’s lives and families at risk. That is why the Arizona Trucking Association Foundation (ATA Foundation) has launched a public safety campaign discussing the dangers of distracted driving on Arizona’s roads. The ATA Foundation’s campaign is being run through the Arizona Broadcasters Association (ABA) Public Education Programing (PEP), which allows the ads to reach a wider audience at a discounted rate.

The ads feature Arizona professional truck drivers, including two national truck driving championship winners, who represent the best drivers in Arizona. The ads are running in both Spanish and English on over 175 different TV and radio stations around the state for the next four months.

“Ask any professional truck driver what they fear on the road, and they will tell you distracted drivers,” stated ATA Foundation Executive Director, Tony Bradley. “Distracted driving is not just dangerous, its deadly. However, people don’t always see the risks they are putting themselves and others in when they don’t pay attention to the road. Our hope is that we can give another perspective to the problem from our professionals drivers who see distracted driving daily from behind the wheel of their tractor trailers.”

The television versions of the ads can be seen here:



English Version

English text:

I am an Arizona truck driver…

And this is my office.

I deliver food, medicine, supplies and hope.

And during times of crisis I support our communities.

But every day I see people putting lives and families at risk.

Distracted driving is deadly, period!

Be aware, be safe and visit and find tips on how to drive safely around trucks. That’s

This message is sponsored by the Arizona Trucking Association Foundation.

Spanish Version

Spanish text:

Y esta es mi oficina.

Entrego alimentos, medicinas, suministros y esperanza.

Y en tiempos de crisis apoyo a nuestras comunidades.

Pero todos los días veo a personas que ponen vidas y familias en riesgo.

Conducir distraídamente es mortal. Punto.

Sea consciente, actúe con precaución y visite … Y encuentre consejos sobre cómo conducir con seguridad alrededor de los camiones. Eso es

Este mensaje es patrocinado por la fundación de la asociación de camiones de Arizona.

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