McCraren Compliance

Transportation matters: Take 5 minutes and tell us what’s important to you!

Investing in transportation to meet your needs

Give us your input toward the development of a future RTA plan


The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is conducting a survey to seek public input on guiding principles drafted by the RTA’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). The CAC will consider the guiding principles as they identify projects to develop a future 20-year regional transportation plan.

The committee will be charged with weighing the value of regional benefits of proposed projects vs. the estimated construction costs to meet the budget. After the committee prepares a draft plan, they will continue to seek broad public input during the plan review process – prior to making a final recommendation to the RTA Board.

The current RTA plan and special taxing district’s half-cent sales (excise) tax – both voter-approved in 2006 – will expire in June 2026.

Please complete the survey by Friday, December 13, 2019. Thank you!

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