McCraren Compliance

As stated in this month’s ADOSH Advocate

Silica Has Been Adopted
In the past year ADOSH has provided articles related to Silica and how to prevent exposure to employees. In addition to the articles, the ADOSH Consultation Department has been working with employers in the construction industry to identify silica exposures. Employers either used engineering controls or personal protective equipment.  As of July 23, 2018, ADOSH received the written notification that the rule was adopted.
At this time, we would like to encourage any employers who may have questions or would like to have an Industrial Hygiene consultant visit your jobsite to determine what hazards are present call either our Phoenix or Tucson office. Our staff can help with program development and monitoring for free.
Phoenix Office: 602-542-1769
Tucson Office: 520-628-5478
Here is link to the full newsletter–%20September%202018.pdf
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