McCraren Compliance

Safety Leadership – New Series

The McCraren Compliance Team have worked together to determine what single area of focus will have the greatest impact towards meeting our purpose of creating workplaces (communities) where we all watch out for each other. Through these efforts we identified #SAFETYLEADERSHIP as the underlying set of behaviors needed to positively influence safety culture and therefore safety outcomes.

For the last couple of years we have internally been viewing all of our services through a Safety Leadership lens. We deliberately made this shift as when we sat down and discussed what do we ultimately want each client and each person to walk away with after receiving training or consulting services from McCraren Compliance and it was to use the knowledge to influence the people and the environments where they are each and every day to also focus on #SAFETYLEADERSHIP. In short, we want to create safety influencers, who will contribute to solid safety cultures which inspire safety leaders across all levels of any size organization.

The next step in transitioning our operating activities to align with these objectives is to more overtly share tools, tips and concepts with our greater network and community partners. Each month we will dedicate a blog post and Safety News article to sharing this information with you. This post will serve as both an introduction and the inaugural installation of our #SAFETYLEADERSHIP series.

What to expect in future installments:

What else have we put in place to create #SAFETYLEADERSHIP:

We are one community with a common goal of the health of our people. We look forward to your thoughts, input and feedback.

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