McCraren Compliance

SABC Mining Alliance Meetings

First published by SABC

We’re Back, So Save the Date!

SABC is resuming Mining Alliance Meetings and we look forward

to welcoming you to our next luncheon meeting.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Doubletree at 445 S. Alvernon

1-4 pm

Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up with colleagues for lunch

and presentations by Arizona mining companies and

keynote speaker Rep. Paul Gosar.

More information about how to RSVP is coming soon, so mark down the date and look for upcoming emails.



It is our privilege and pleasure to work with the mining community in supporting issues and creating events to advance the future of our industry. We rely on your contributions to enable us to do the best job we can for you! Visit our Supporter link to donate… and thank you!


Bill Assenmacher, Co–Founder SABC               

Rick Grinnell, Co-Founder, SABC

For further information please contact:

Rick Grinnell, Southern Arizona Business Coalition

P.O. Box 26945 • Tucson, AZ. 85726

520.247.3268 (c) •

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