McCraren Compliance

Rotating Conveyor Rollers – Safety Alert

Danger – Rotating Conveyor Rollers!

Three miners have been permanently disabled since the beginning of 2024

Serious and fatal injuries occur when miners clean or adjust conveyor rollers, pulleys and idlers while the belt is in motion.  Injuries vary from broken bones to loss of fingers, hands, and arms. Some accidents have resulted in fatal injuries.  Injuries result from unsafe actions like:

  • Using aerial lifts to access elevated bend, snub, and take-up pulleys, or removing or reaching around guards to work on moving conveyor components.
  • Using scrapers, shovels, pry bars, hammers and torches to remove ice, mud or buildup.  The tools can be caught in pinch points between the conveyor belt and rollers and pull in the tools and miners’ hands, arms, and bodies.
Serious and fatal injuries occur when miners clean or adjust conveyor rollers, pulleys and idlers while the belt is in motion.
Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices
  • Keep guards in place.  Do not defeat or circumvent any protective system.
  • Have an effective lock-out program.  Shut down, deenergize and lock out power switches and block conveyor parts against hazardous motion prior to performing belt roller or pulley cleaning, belt tracking or other maintenance.
  • Establish policies and procedures to ensure proper and safe cleaning and maintenance of conveyor components.
  • Provide task and site-specific hazard training that prohibits cleaning or working on or around moving conveyor components.
  • Follow safe cleaning and maintenance policies and procedures.  Supervisors, miners, and contractors are all responsible for working safely.

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

Original article published by MSHA

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