McCraren Compliance

Recent Vehicle Rollover Accidents – Safety Alert

First published by MSHA

Miners continue to die in rollover accidents.

Fatalities occurred when vehicles flipped over backwards, rolled over, and tipped over on their sides.

  • Deceased miners were operating haul trucks, excavators, bulldozers, front end loaders, and service trucks while working or traveling near the edge of dump sites, elevated roadways, embankments, ponds, and excavations.

Numerous other serious injury and close call accidents occurred involving haul trucks, water trucks, excavators, motor graders and pickup trucks. Contributing factors included the non-use or unbuckling of seat belts; jumping from vehicles; brake failure; distracted driving; loss of vehicle control; traveling or working too close to unconsolidated roadways; inadequate berms; pushing through berms; and failure to perform workplace examinations.

Accident scenes where the accidents took place
Photo property of
Best Practices:
  • Examine and maintain the workplace: dump sites, roadways, ramps and berms. Unload on level, stable ground behind the dump berm or block, well back from the edge or with spotter assistance.
  • Maintain control of the vehicle: operate at safe speeds, especially on curves, and when turning or cornering; center the vehicle in the travel lane; avoid distractions.
  • Establish traffic rules: post signage where necessary and ensure these rules are followed.
  • Maintain vehicles in good condition:  brakes; wheels and tires; steering/operating controls; lights; windows; and wipers.
  • Ensure that seat belts are maintained in good condition and worn at all times: remain inside the cab; never attempt to jump clear; consider the use of four-point seat belt systems and new technology that provides early warning of tipping.

*Make sure miners and mine operators are trained in best practices.

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

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