McCraren Compliance

Near-miss reporting for roadside responders: Safety group offers best practices

tow-truck on icy road

Photo: Washington State Department of Transportation/Flickr

Washington — “Intuitive and straightforward” near-miss reporting systems can help roadside response workers avoid being struck by passing vehicles, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says.

For a new report, researchers reviewed existing reporting systems, interviewed stakeholders and focus groups, and surveyed more than 1,300 roadside responders. They found that 29% of participants from towing and recovery organizations reported encountering incidents involving near misses daily, a rate “significantly higher than other agency types,” the foundation says.

Further, more than 40% of respondents from towing and law enforcement view near misses as a “routine” part of their job. “Towing and service technicians and other responders working at roadside are at near-constant risk” of being struck, the report states.

The foundation found that although 85% of the respondents said they believe reporting near misses can bolster safety, over 40% of the participants in the towing sector haven’t been trained on incident reporting.

Insights from research, the interviews and the survey helped shape foundation recommendations for near-miss reporting systems. Among them:

“By addressing these elements, the expected near-miss reporting system can significantly enhance the safety of roadside responders,” the report states, “providing valuable data to develop targeted countermeasures and ultimately reducing the risks they face on the job.”

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Original article published by Safety+Health an NSC publication

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