McCraren Compliance

National Ladder Safety Month: Free webinar series kicks off March 10

Photo: American Ladder Institute

Photo: American Ladder Institute

Cleveland — The American Ladder Institute is conducting a special webinar series during National Ladder Safety Month.

ALI sponsors National Ladder Safety Month every March to raise awareness of safe ladder use, help curb injuries and fatalities caused by ladder misuse, and encourage participation in its free Ladder Safety Training program.

Registration is required for the three webinars:

The theme of this year’s National Ladder Safety Month is “Every Step Matters.” The event also features four weekly themes:
Week 1: Training and awareness
Week 2: Inspection and maintenance
Week 3: Stabilization, setup and accessories
Week 4: Safe climbing and positioning

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

Original article published by Safety+Health an NSC publication

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