McCraren Compliance

MSHA – Mine Fatality #6

Original article published by MSHA

MINE FATALITY – On January 30, 2023, a miner died while troubleshooting a belt conveyor when he fell through a 37-inch-long by 34-inch-wide hole created by the removal of a section of grating.  The miner fell approximately 35 feet from the catwalk to the ground below.

Accident scene where a miner died while troubleshooting a belt conveyor when he fell through a 37-inch-long by 34-inch-wide hole created by the removal of a section of grating.
Photo property of MSHA

Best Practices

Operators should:

  • Provide fall protection where there is a danger of falling and train miners on its proper use.
  • Replace guarding/grating that protects temporary access openings as soon as completing work.
  • Conduct workplace examinations and immediately correct any unsafe conditions.

Additional Information

This is the sixth fatality reported in 2023, and the first classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

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