First published by MSHA
MINE FATALITY – On September 1, 2022, a roof bolter was electrocuted when he contacted a metal hook that became energized after it penetrated the 480-volt cable that supplied electrical power to a roof bolting machine.
Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices:
- Make sure miners use suitable, non-conductive ropes with appropriate breaking strengths when pulling or handling electrical cables. Never attach conductive parts to the non-conductive rope, such as metallic hooks.
- Make sure miners use proper Personal Protective Equipment when handling cables.
- Train miners to examine the work area and identify potentially hazardous conditions.
Additional Information:
This is the 20th fatality reported in 2022, and the first classified as “Electrical.”
McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.