McCraren Compliance

MSHA – Mine Fatality #19

First published by MSHA

MINE FATALITY – On July 21, 2021, a miner received fatal injuries while adding a boom extension to a crane.  The miner was working under the boom to remove the boom pins when he was struck by the boom.

Accident scebe where a miner received fatal injuries while adding a boom extension to a crane
Photo property of
Best Practices:
  • Never perform work under raised machinery or equipment until such machinery or equipment has been securely braced in position, blocked and  secured against motion.  Be alert for hazards that may be created while the work is being performed.
  • Conduct repairs from a safe location per manufacturer’s recommendations.  Verify the release of all stored energy before initiating repairs.
  • Use a lifting device compatible with the load being lifted and ensure blocking material is competent, substantial, and adequate to support and stabilize the load.  Always use the manufacturer’s safety devices or features to secure components against motion, and secure assemblies that rotate to prevent movement.
  • Establish and discuss safe work procedures before starting any task.  Train miners in safe work procedures and hazard recognition.  Monitor personnel routinely to ensure safe work procedures are being followed.
Additional Information:

This is the 19th fatality reported in 2021, and the fourth classified as “Machinery.”

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

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