McCraren Compliance

MSHA – Fatality #14

First published by MSHA

MINE FATALITY – On June 20, 2022, a contract driller was working outside of his drill when he fell from the top of a highwall.

Accident scene where a contract driller was working outside of his drill when he fell from the top of a highwall.
Photo property of MSHA
Best Practices: 
  • Wear fall protection when there is a danger of falling.  Assure fall protection has a suitable fall arrest and a secure anchorage system.
  • Train miners to properly use their personal protective equipment and to recognize potential hazards from falls and to safely perform tasks.
  • Provide communication systems when assigning miners to work alone.
Additional Information:

This is the 14th fatality reported in 2022, and the second classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.

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