McCraren Compliance

MSHA completed impact inspections at 15 mines with histories of repeated health, safety violations in May 2024

Resulted in 62 significant and substantial violations, 5 unwarrantable failure findings

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that its Mine Safety and Health Administration completed impact inspections in May 2024 at 15 mines in 12 states, leading the agency to cite 300 violations and one safeguard.

The agency began conducting impact inspections after an April 2010 explosion in West Virginia at the Upper Big Branch Mine killed 29 miners. 

MSHA’s impact inspections since 2023 have identified 3,880 violations, including 1,088 significant and substantial violations and 68 unwarrantable failure findings. An S&S violation is one that could contribute in a significant and substantial way to the cause and effect of a safety or health hazard. Violations designated as unwarrantable failures occur when an inspector finds aggravated conduct that constitutes more than ordinary negligence.

The agency conducts impact inspections at mines that merit increased agency attention and enforcement due to poor compliance history; previous accidents, injuries, and illnesses; and other compliance concerns. Of the 300 violations MSHA identified in May 2024, 62 were evaluated as S&S and five had unwarrantable failure findings. The agency completed these inspections at mines in Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

“The results of this month’s impact inspections highlight the need for mine operators to focus continually on thorough and effective mine examinations. These examinations are one of the most important tools that can be used to keep miners safe and healthy,” said Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Chris Williamson. “Mine operators must remain vigilant in conducting required examinations and establish a safety culture in which miners are encouraged to identify hazards, the hazards are corrected, and corrective actions are recorded.”

Mast Mine in Pennsylvania’s Somerset County was among the mines selected in May for an impact inspection. Operated by Heritage Coal & Natural Resources LLC, this surface coal mine was selected due to prior enforcement history in the two open pit areas and preparation plant at the mine. Although the mine underwent a recent ownership change, MSHA inspectors found safety conditions had not improved. 

Three inspection teams with two inspectors each arrived at the mine on May 9, 2024, after the day shift began and immediately went to separate, predetermined areas of the mine. Fourteen violations of mandatory safety and health standards were observed, including five designated as S&S, and four with unwarrantable failure findings. The impact inspection included the following findings:

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Original article published by MSHA

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