McCraren Compliance

Labor Rights Week is Aug. 29-Sept. 2

First published by OSHA
During Labor Rights Week (Aug. 29-Sep. 2) we emphasize the rights of all workers in the United States to a safe and healthful workplace and full payment of wages earned. The U.S. Department of Labor is committed to improving the well-being of underserved, marginalized and excluded communities and ensuring that all workers’ voices are heard.

Durante la Semana de los Derechos Laborales (del 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre) hacemos hincapié en los derechos de todos los trabajadores de Estados Unidos a un lugar de trabajo seguro y saludable y al pago íntegro de los salarios ganados. El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. se compromete a mejorar el bienestar de las comunidades desatendidas, marginadas y excluidas, y a garantizar que las voces de todos los trabajadores sean escuchadas.
Labor Rights Week August 29 - September 2

McCraren Compliance assists employers in protecting their workers, starting with a comprehensive Work-site Analysis, Hazard Prevention, Controls, and Safety & Health Training.

Please contact us today at 888-758-4757 to learn how we can provide mine safety training and consulting for your business.

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