McCraren Compliance

FACE Report: Trucker poisoned by carbon monoxide in cab


Case report: #71-254-2024
Issued by: Washington State Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program
Date of report: June 1, 2024

A 61-year-old truck driver who worked for a general freight carrier parked his truck at his employer’s terminal yard and slept overnight in the truck’s sleeper berth. Around 9:30 a.m., he walked from his truck to the main terminal building. Another driver saw him struggling to open a door to the employee restroom and shower area. This driver helped him with the door but saw that he was disoriented and having difficulty breathing, walking and standing. The assisting driver asked the disoriented driver if he needed medical help. He nodded yes, and the assisting driver went to tell management. After calling 911, a manager and the driver returned to the restroom, but the ill driver had locked himself inside and refused to leave. After a few minutes, the driver agreed to open the door and go with them to the employee lounge. He complained of a headache and back pain, had pale skin with flushed cheeks, and was sweating and struggling to breathe. First responders arrived and transported him to the hospital, but he died shortly after. A toxicology report concluded the driver died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Air monitoring of the bunk heater in the cab’s sleeper did not show any significant amount of CO, and no exhaust leaks were detected in the truck’s engine or undercarriage area. Investigators determined that the driver was most likely poisoned by CO from a single-burner butane cooking stove found in the truck.


McCraren Compliance can help you understand and comply with FMCSA, USDOT and ADOT and ensure your drivers and your vehicles operate safely and efficiently.

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Original article published by Safety+Health an NSC publication

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