- Offering easy-to-access online fatigue prevention training and education to commercial motor vehicle drivers, motor carrier executives and managers, freight shippers and receivers, dispatchers, driver managers, driver’s spouses and families, safety managers and trainers, etc.
- Encouraging a motor carrier safety culture that proactively considers situations that may contribute to driver fatigue and fights to prevent it
- Identifying sleep disorders and treatment options
- Utilizing driver fatigue management technologies
In addition, CVSA plans to enhance, improve and grow the program by:
- Hosting live and recorded Q&A sessions
- Offering a moderated forum where users may ask questions and provide feedback
- Offering information sessions at CVSA events and conferences
- Hosting program and steering committee meetings to discuss program improvements
- Offering webinars on various topics relevant to fatigue management
- Offering Spanish content in addition to English and French
Learn more about the NAFMP and how to implement a fatigue management program by visiting the NAFMP website. Download a step-by-step implementation manual and register in the eLearning platform for the program courses.
“This program has the potential to reduce fatigue-related risks, improve driver alertness, health and wellness, increase productivity, and decrease crashes and roadway fatalities,” said Capt. Broers. “The online training and educational courses available through this program are free, voluntary, self-paced and available 24/7. We encourage all drivers and motor carriers to utilize these online tools.”
For more information, contact CVSA Fatigue Management Program Specialist Rodolfo Giacoman via email or at 301-830-6155.
This program was made possible through an international partnership of law enforcement jurisdictions, federal agencies, academics and motor carrier stakeholder groups.
McCraren Compliance can help you understand and comply with FMCSA, USDOT and ADOT and ensure your drivers and your vehicles operate safely and efficiently.
Call us Today at 888-758-4757 or email us at info@mccrarencompliance.com to schedule your free FMCSA Compliance Assessment.